Announcing Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos

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Editor’s Notes: After our recent review of the Abbey Road Orchestra High, Low and Metal Percussion modules, and after working with the Abbey Road Orchestra 1st Violins (review coming within a day or two), I’m pretty excited to see the Cellos will be available in a matter of days.

An important thing to note is that the Cellos are the most affordable module yet in the Abbey Road Orchestra. This is a positive sign as I know many are concerned about the overall price of the library once complete. Also note that in addition to a pre-order discount, you also get a discount if you own previous modules, or if you own Abbey Road One: Orchestral Foundations. I imagine that over time, there will be more opportunities to save.

Our review of the Abbey Road Orchestra: 1st Violins is incoming, and once the Cellos are released, our review for that will come as well. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below on what you think about the Abbey Road Orchestra so far.


Advanced Legatos for Ultimate Expression

  • Performed by 10 of London’s top film and TV session Cellists 
  • Deploying technologically-advanced legatos, including Dynamic Legato Interval Triggering
  • Created using entirely new recording and development techniques
  •  Unmatched access to Abbey Road, the world’s most famous recording studio and its unique sound and equipment
  • Available in two tiers, Core and Professional

Pre-Order: November 9th, 2023, 5pm GMT- Pre-order on product page

Release: November 13th, 2023, 5pm GMT


Spitfire Audio continues to set the standard for sound in the digital age, with the next instalment in its unrivalled Abbey Road Orchestra series – Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos.

The dynamic new sample library – to be delivered in two tiers, Core and Professional – is a sterling cello sound that encompasses Spitfire Audio’s cutting-edge sampling technology, and embodies the rich musical heritage and timeless essence of one of the most celebrated and renowned recording spaces in the world — Abbey Road Studio One.

Performed by London’s top film and TV session Cellists and created using new recording and development techniques from R&D sessions at Abbey Road, Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos includes detailed legato patches with appropriate interval triggering that reacts in real time, so that every time you play, your next movement is triggered.


Celebrating the stunning sound of a Cello section captured at Abbey Road Studios, this VST, offers an extensive range of articulations and playing styles — lyrical and performance legatos, a wide selection of longs and shorts, and control over a variety of articulations to allow you to create both intimate and epic soundscapes. 

Meticulously recorded to allow for smooth and expressive transitions between notes, emulating the natural way a performer shifts from one note to another without breaks, Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos has been designed to improve playability and responsiveness vastly, with multiple dynamic legato intervals, and flexible interval types triggered by playing speed and/or velocity.


Stepping up its legato technology in both the Core and Professional versions, Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos features the most detailed and advanced legatos that Spitfire Audio has ever made. With multiple layers of legato techniques reacting in realtime to your playing speed and velocity.

The Core tier offers a comprehensive collection of articulations and playing styles, with a very high level of sampling depth and one signal option curated by GRAMMY®-Award-winner Simon Rhodes, in order to keep the size and RAM requirements low.

With extended velocity triggered patches – portamento (slide/glissando between notes) and detaché (separate bow strokes) – plus accented marcato and ‘soft swell’ entries for single long notes, the Professional tier is the pinnacle of detail, expression and playability, setting a new standard for the sound of the cello in the digital age.


A host to celebrated classical recordings from Elgar and Prokofiev, as well as iconic film scores from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, and the more recent releases of Avengers: Endgame, Black Panther and Tar, Studio One needs no introduction. 

Home to one of the greatest in-house collections of vintage and modern microphones and a control room fitted with a 72-channel Neve 88 RS console with a unique and comprehensive surround monitor section, Studio One is the perfect setting for Spitfire Audio’s meticulously planned recording sessions. The company’s aim is to work with the best, to deliver you the world’s most detailed sampling orchestra, and Abbey Road – one of the most in-demand recording studios in the film scoring landscape – was the perfect space to make this happen.

“Spitfire Audio are undoubtedly the best team in the world to deliver something truly groundbreaking. The bar has been raised exceedingly high and this is only the beginning for the Abbey Road Orchestra series. It feels like we are all in for a remarkable journey.” 

— Mirek Stiles Head of Audio Products, Abbey Road Studios


  • 22 Techniques:
    • Legato Techniques:
      • Performance Legato (Extended) (Pro) – A hugely detailed and highly playable legato patch which reacts in realtime to playing speed. This extended Pro version includes additional legato styles (portamento and detaché) plus marcato and soft entries for single notes – our most advanced legato ever
      • Lyrical Legato (Extended) (Pro) – A relaxed legato patch for slower moving melody lines. This extended Pro version includes additional legato styles (portamento and detaché) plus marcato and soft entries for single notes
      • Performance Legato (Core + Pro) – A hugely detailed and highly playable legato patch which reacts in realtime to playing speed
      • Lyrical Legato (Core + Pro) – A relaxed legato patch for slower moving melody lines
      • Legato Runs (Pro) – A very agile legato patch specifically for very fast passages and flourishes up to a minor 3rd (Legato intervals greater than a minor 3rd will not sound)
      • Legato Detache (Pro) – A legato-style patch in which all the connecting notes have broad but separated bow strokes, ideal for strong and impactful statements
      • Legato Portamento (Pro) – A legato patch in which all the intervals are performed in a ‘portamento’ style with an intentional slide between notes
      • Legato Slurred (Pro) – A legato patch with slurred intervals performed with a ‘moderate tempo’ feel for sweeping melody lines
      • Legato Allegro (Pro) – A legato patch with slurred intervals performed with a sprightly ‘uptempo’ feel, ideal for quicker or arpeggiated ostinato material
    • Long Techniques:
      • Long (Extended) (Pro) – A polyphonic sustained longs patch – this extended Pro version features additional soft and marcato styles for note entries triggered by key velocity
      • Long (Core + Pro) – A polyphonic sustained longs patch for pads and chordal writing
      • Flautando (Core + Pro) – A sustained note performed with a fast bow speed playing close to the fingerboard (sul tasto) creating a delicate and airy flute-like sound
      • Tremolo (Core + Pro) – A technique performed with rapid continuous bowing, creating delicate flurrying textures at lower dynamics with increasing intensity at louder volumes
      • Harmonics (Core + Pro) – Sustained notes produced from the overtones of the string (artificial harmonics) sounding higher than the fundamental to create glassy, suspenseful textures
      • Trills (Major & Minor 2nds & 3rds) (Core + Pro) – Rapid alternating between two notes
      • Tremolo (Measured – 150 & 180 BPM) (Core + Pro) – Tremolo performed with a specified number of repeated notes which may be sync’d to the host DAW’s tempo
  • Short Techniques:
    • Spicattisimo (Core + Pro) – An extremely short note length performed by quickly bouncing the bow on the string – an agile technique for very fast, articulate material
    • Spiccato (Core + Pro) – A very short and crisp note length performed by bouncing the bow on the string creating a sprightly ‘all-purpose’ short articulation
    • Staccato (Core + Pro) – A short note length performed with the bow starting on the string, sounding clearly detached with a slight accent
    • Marcato (Core + Pro) – A technique performed with a strong accented front to the note – presented as a longer note length than ‘staccato’ with the option of Timed Release triggers
    • Pizzicato (Core + Pro) – A short note produced by plucking the strings with the fingers. ‘Bartok pizzicato is recorded at the very highest dynamic
    • Col Legno (Core + Pro) – A technique performed by tapping the string with the back of the bow or a pencil, producing a light and woody sound
  • 16 Signals:
    • Mix 1 (Core + Pro) – A full-sounding room mix by Simon Rhodes, formed from Tree 1, Overheads, Outriggers 1, and a curated blend of spots
    • Mix 2 (Pro) – A tighter mix by Simon Rhodes, formed from Tree 2, Mids and Outriggers 2 with a curated blend of spots
    • Close (Pro) –Small diaphragm condenser mics placed on each desk and summed capturing a detailed and articulate close image
    • Close Ribbons (Pro) – A combination of ribbon mics placed on each desk capturing a warm and rounded close image
    • Pop Main (Pro) – A cardioid stereo valve mic placed above the section and panned centrally for a flexible image not restricted to the orchestral layout
    • Pop Room (Pro) – Omnidirectional condenser mics placed either side of the section to add additional roominess and space to the Pop Main signal
    • Tree 1 (Pro) – A decca tree formed of Abbey Road’s finest trio of classic valve omnidirectional microphones creating a lush and full sound
    • Tree 2 (Pro) – A tighter, closer decca tree formed from mics with a more directional pattern, suited to faster, more detailed material
    • Outriggers 1 (Pro) – Used in conjunction with either tree to obtain a wider image. This pair utilises omnidirectional mics to reproduce the full width of Studio One
    • Outriggers 2 (Pro) – Used together with either tree to obtain a wider image. This pair uses mics with a more directional pattern, pulling the edges of the room inwards
    • Mids (Pro) – A pair of valve REDD mics placed between the conductor and the source which adds extra focus to the sound when combined with the Tree and Outriggers
    • Ambients (Pro) – A pristine pair of small diaphragm omnidirectional microphones to the rear of the room for a natural ambience
    • Vintage 1 (Pro) – A pair of original 1940s RM1B ribbon microphones placed in front of the conductor to create a vintage scoring stage sound
    • Vintage 2 (Pro) – A pair of classic 44BX ribbon microphones placed by the conductor for an alternative vintage scoring stage sound
    • Leader (Pro) – A single microphone placed on the section leader, used to add additional focus above the full section if required
    • Spill (Pro) – A summation of spot mics placed around the other sections. These capture the natural ‘spill’ from the source across the orchestra for added realism
  • Core:
    • 10 Cellos
    • One Simon Rhodes mix 
    • 18 Articulations
    • 13,045 samples
    • 4GB download size
  • Pro:
    • 10 Cellos 
    • 16 mic signals (including two Simon Rhodes mixes)
    • 25 Articulations
    • Extended legato techniques
    • 219,553 samples
    • 88.68GB download size
  • Housed in the Abbey Road Orchestra plugin
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